clip on glass

Upgrade your home

It is always exciting to try something new. The innovative Clip On Glass changes the look of your home in just a few seconds without any tools. The result is a clean and elegant glass surface. As it has no bolts it can easily be replaced to match your ever-changing needs. Available in three timeless colours, the smooth design front is the perfect upgrade for your Nobø Top.

Fantastic design options

Clip On Glass is available in White, Anthracite Grey, and Retro Blue to match any interior design. Don’t get stuck with your old boring design when you have the opportunity to do whatever you want.

Clip On Glass er tilgjengelig i bla. retro blå og passer de fleste interiørdesign. Hvorfor begrense dine muligheter? Med Clip On Glass kan du gjøre som du vil.

Retro Blue

Clip On Glass er tilgjengelig i bla. hvit og passer de fleste interiørdesign. Hvorfor begrense dine muligheter? Med Clip On Glass kan du gjøre som du vil.


Clip On Glass er tilgjengelig i bla. antrasittgrå og passer de fleste interiørdesign. Hvorfor begrense dine muligheter?

Anthracite Grey